Our history :
In 2005 three associations APETREIMC/ENVOLUDIA , SESEP and CDI set up to care for children with CP, help families and train professionals into CP sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, combined their objects, experience and resources to form La Fondation Motrice, a research foundation. A new fonder PasseRaile-Apetreimc joined them in 2006.
The Foundation was recognised under French law as a public benefit organisation (Prime Ministerial decree of July 4th 2006).
In 2018 , la Fondation Motrice changed its name to Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale
Its objects:
- to promote research into all aspects of Cerebral Palsy, from the prevention of brain damage to the improvement of quality of life for those with Cerebral Palsy
- to raise standards of care through the assessment and sharing of best practice
Why a Foundation committed to CP?
- Meeting the needs of people with CP is not only about increased resources to provide support to individuals and build a more disabled-friendly society. There is a huge need for research in order to bring the benefits of innovation to the lives of people who suffer from this condition.
- The Foundation has been set up to help raise funds for and to coordinate research.
- La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale is the only body in France and one of the very few in Europe dedicated to research into CP.
Our values :
- Respect for those with CP
- The highest standards of research
- International cooperation
- Turning research into practical benefits.
The Foundation recognizes the values held by the Convention on Disability Rights and the UN Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Our missions :
The field of research is enormous in scope. La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale can play an important role by understanding both what is needed and the means that are available or emerging. Its role can span information, evaluation and instigation. In this way it can help leverage the available resources to levels of achievement that would be otherwise unattainable.
- La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale will gather and share information on research in the field of CP
- It will help publicise major needs and achievements, being a forum for discussion and a platform to raise awareness of CP
- It will set up regular meetings at which care professionals can share state of the art knowledge and experience.
A Monitoring and Evaluation Centre
- Under the leadership of its Scientific Board, La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale will be in a position to assess results of action taken in various fields by many different bodies with respect to objective measures (incidence, morbidity) and subjective indicators (quality of life, participation).
- Best practice should be identified by appropriate reviews and promoted as widely as possible. The output from research must reach people’s lives.
Financing and development of research projects
La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale may help by:
- Being a body that will promote young researchers to address this field, selecting and helping the best projects
- Funding important and high quality research projects
- Developing and coordinating its own research projects in areas of interest when there is no initiative to tackle important needs.
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