Family Rehabilitation survey

ESPaCe : A national survey on requirements, expectations and prioritization in motor rehabilitation reported by people with cerebral palsy and their families.

ESPaCe : a French survey

Link to the project fiche (in English)

Short explanation with results (in French)

Long text with results (in French)


Thank you for your participation and your help in the dissemination of "ESPaCe"

"ESPaCe" (Cerebral Palsy Satisfaction survey) is the first national survey with the aim to identify and evaluate the requirements, barriers, expectations, priorities and satisfaction with physiotherapy services of individuals with CP and their families in France.

Through the mobilization of all, children, teenagers, adults, all with cerebral palsy, but also that of their parents, health professionals, family associations, care structures, academic societies, we have achieved our goal:  we received 1161 questionnaires (399 children, 161 teenagers and 601 adults).


The main results of this survey are available on the foundation's website results (short and long text). They provide an overview of the delivery of care and its organization, of the expectations and priorities of improvement of motor rehabilitation. They also bring in the point of view of the affected persons and their families when considering good practice recommendations for motor rehabilitation.

This project, developed by the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale in partnership with family associations (FFAIMC, Hémiparésie, Envoludia), has received the support of 4 academic societies involved in the management of people with CP in France, the Secretary of State for disabled persons and that of the High health authority. It is part of a good practice approach desired by the people affected and their families.

Download documents (in French):

Full transcript of the round table of recommendations (Pasteur Symposium, March 2015)

Questionnaire Child 0-6 years

Questionnaire Child 7-11 years

Questionnaire Teenager 12-17 years

Questionnaire Adult

Letter of support from Ms Neuville, Secretary of State for disabled persons




Sous l'égide des sociétés suivantes : 


 sferhe     sfnp           sofmer           cdi

fondation motrice

Avec les conseils du service Méthodologie des bonnes pratiques professionnelles, Haute Autorité de Santé



En partenariat



En collaboration 


hemiparesie      envoludia

Avec le soutien financier de : 



Envoludia          ffaimc            klesia