The research

Cerebral Palsy research

The major absence from research programs

Poorly defined for a long time, cerebral palsy still suffers from a disregard from the general public but also from the medical profession and scientists, despite the high number of persons concerned by this pathology.


Because of this, and because this pathology is at the crossroads of very varied disciplines (from neuropaediatrics to robotics to brain imaging and cell biology), research on cerebral palsy is still too absent from large Research programs. This is why our foundation intends to fill this gap and this delay (compared to other pathologies).

Some progress made, but still insufficient

Since its creation in 2005, the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale / Fondation Motrice has conducted each year calls for projects, and supported more than 75 research projects. This helped to accompany or accelerate important advances in fields as diverse as neuroscience, medical imaging, molecular or cellular biology, neuropaediatrics or rehabilitation. But it is still too little. In order for this continuous research work to be translated into concrete progress in the lives of the people affected, this effort must be supported and amplified.


Assessment, challenges and opportunities

Assessment, challenges and opportunities
Largely "accidental", cerebral palsy affects about 1 500 newborns every year, with nothing predisposing them to this disability.

Funded research

Funded research
Since 2005, more than 75 projects and research work have been funded (or co-funded) by the Fondation Paralysie Cérébral.

Call for projects

Call for projects
Almost every year, the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale launches a call for research projects to fund promising works.

Family Rehabilitation survey

Family Rehabilitation survey


Cerebral Palsy Vocabulary

CAP' Project

CAP' Project
Functional, neuroplastic and biomechanical changes induced by early Hand and Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Including Lower Extremities (HABIT-ILE) in pre-school children with uni-...

Projet Ensemble

Projet Ensemble
Le grand projet ENSEMBLE est un programme ambitieux qui vise à détecter de manière fiable la paralysie cérébrale très tôt dans la vie.